Sunday, April 30, 2017

New Bern to River Forest (Bellhaven, NC) to Alligator River

Day #569; Loop Miles to Date = 6,315 

Our month in New Bern just seemed to fly by. This seems to happen each time we plop down for a spell…we think that we have all kinds of time to get stuff done, and before we know it, our time is up and it is time to move on.  Upon reflection though, we got a bunch done, and had a ball of fun too. New Bern is just a great little town, perfect for cruisers, and made all the better because we shared the time with our good friends on Corkscrew and ACT lll. And, we made some great new friends (Keith and Gail) who are currently “locals” in New Bern, planning to start their loop next year. 

One of the things that we did accomplish was a short trip up to Tellico Village on Lake Tellico up in Tennessee. We are in the process of sorting through our options for our post-loop life, and Tellico has been high on our list of possibilities. We found a townhome to rent up there for a couple of days that was dog friendly, so we snagged a rental car, bundled up the pups, and took off for a few days. It was REALLY worth the effort, as we came away feeling like this could very well be the spot that we put down our roots next. We found it to be a great community, with beautiful countryside, and reasonably affordable real estate. Don’t be surprised if this is where we end up… 

We won’t bore you with all of the details of our stay here... a few pictures though…

New Bern City Hall
New Bern is a town with a deep affection for all things BEAR. There are probably a couple of dozen of these scattered around town, each unique with a variety of themes and sponsors.


We had a family of ducks entertaining us during our stay. They hatched just as we got there, and we watched them grow as we stayed.

Last week was the AGLCA Rendezvous which was informative, and packed the marina and hotel. There were 40+ Looper boats, and somewhere around 250 people in attendance. We left early on Saturday to try to beat most of the traffic, as all of these boats are headed in the same direction to the same marinas in many cases. So, we logged 72 miles on Saturday, and another 54 on Sunday to get out ahead of most of this group. And for the next couple of days, our plan is to keep moving if the weather allows.

Our friends Keith and Gail took this shot of us as we were departing New Bern. Thanks guys!
This was part of the parade that was behind us leaving the Rendezvous. Many more stayed behind and departed after we did.

This is the Manor House at the marina at River Forest. A beautiful mansion that was once owned by a railroad or timber baron (we can't recall) that is now just used for weddings and special events.
And here we are all tucked in at Alligator Marina...just 4 boats here tonight...nice and quiet.

So…all for now…we’ll try to post more often now that we are once again on the move.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Topsail to Morehead City to New Bern, NC

Day #549; Loop Miles to Date = 6,189 we've been a bit lazy with the blog...we'll quickly try to catch up...

On Thursday April 27th, we departed Topsail and transited to Morehead City Yacht Basin. It was a longish day, but the weather was fair and the winds manageable. We knew that there was some wind in the forecast for a couple of days, and we wanted to get closer to New Bern if we could. It turned out to be a great decision, as we had a nice travel day with no real troubles, and sure enough, later in the evening, the winds started to pick up in earnest.

On the way into Morehead City we met these guys screaming at us...there were 4 of them.

We're still not entirely sure exactly who they markings what-so-ever.

Thankfully, we were mostly in the lee of the strongest winds at our dock, but it blew hard enough that we had to stay put on Friday instead of heading to New Bern. No one left the dock that day...even the big boats we were hidden amongst stayed put.

It is a bit like "Where's Waldo" trying to spot us at Morehead City Yacht Basin.
Once the front moved through on Friday, we were left with a gorgeous travel day on Saturday. We arrived in New Bern mid-afternoon, greeted by our good friends on Act III who have been here for awhile already. We've had a ball this past week making up for lost it has been since November that we were last together. And, we are staying put here through the end of April. The AGLCA Spring Rendezvous is here in a couple of weeks, and we will head north again after that. It's nice to be stationary for a bit, and other than some strong winds last week, the weather has been delightful. We are looking forward to fun times over the next few weeks.

A couple of homes in New Bern...they had a tour of homes last weekend that allowed us to see a bunch of them. Lots of history here...

We'll leave you with a mediocre shot of some dolphin play. We stumbled on a pod of 6 or 7 who were all feeding, just before we hit the Neuse River going into New Bern. It's just about impossible to get a great picture of these guys...