Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Brief Retrospective on the Great Loop

Well...we've been "done" for a couple of weeks now, and we promised some final thoughts. It would be really easy to get all sappy and teary-eyed over how special this journey has been. But, rather than us going down that road at length, allow us to simply say that it has without a doubt been the trip of a lifetime. It was quite simply...extraordinary. It is impossible to briefly summarize all that we have seen, all that we have done, and all that we have learned. However, the people that we've met - whether acquaintances for a moment, or friends for a lifetime - will have the most lasting impact on our lives.

So...with that, allow us to toss a few statistics your way for your perusal...
  • Our trip lasted 730 days. From the day we left Chattanooga, to the day we crossed our wake was exactly 2 years.
  • We traveled a total of 9,427 miles on the loop, and so far, we have cruised over 11,000 miles in all.
  • We spent 664 nights in 169 marinas; 32 nights at anchor; 28 days on free or lock walls; and only 9 total days were consumed at boat yards (mostly for planned maintenance projects)
  • We spent $8,461 on fuel...3,647 gallons in all at an average price of $2.32 per gallon.
  • Actual operating time on our engine for the entire trip was 1,273 hours.
  • We averaged 2.59 mpg, and burned on average 2.86 gal per hour.
In the category of things we know for certain:
  • We made more wonderful memories than we can count.
  • We learned more than we imagined possible.
  • We didn't regret for a moment deciding to pursue this adventure.
 And in the category of "We Have NO Idea" are the following:
  • How much we spent on marinas? A bunch.
  • How much we spent on food? Also a bunch.
  • How many gallons of ice cream we each devoured? We don't really want to know!
As for the immediate future, we are cruising up the Tennessee River towards Knoxville. We have a slip rented for the boat, and a condo rented for us. Sandrobber is up for sale, and we hope that someone with similar dreams can enjoy her as much as we have.

All for now...thanks for following along with's been a terrific ride! We promise to post some additional blogs in the days ahead. Stay tuned if you like...

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Clifton to Aqua Yacht Harbor and Gold!

Day # 730; Loop Miles to Date = 9,427

On Sunday afternoon, October 8th, we completed the Great Loop and crossed our wake on the Tennessee River on our approach into Aqua Yacht Harbor...we made it! It was a gray day, scattered with some light rain and a bit of breeze, but it didn't dampen our spirits as we were thrilled to close this journey after 2 years and almost 10,000 miles. In an unlikely and unplanned coincidence, the day we completed the loop was 2 years to the day that we left Island Cove Marina in Chattanooga in 2015. It really was a remarkable journey. We'll leave some final thoughts and a review of statistics for a later post.

A few pics of our travel day from Clifton to Aqua...
The day started out beautifully...but after only about an hour, it turned gray and cloudy. The Tennessee River remains as one of our favorite places to cruise.

We saw MANY houses along the banks on this stretch who had obviously built homes recently with high water in mind!

This just looked like a neat spot tucked up there in the rocks.

And these folks weren't taking any chances at all with high water!

We wish we had been a bit closer, and the sky had been blue, but it was still a treat to spot this pair of eagles.

The closer we got to Pickwick Dam, the stronger the current became, as evidenced by this dancing buoy. They were most likely letting extra water through the dam in advance of make room for the expected rains. The result was that we had a 4 mph current running against us for the last 5 miles or so...a bit of slogging for this stretch.
At present we are actually out of the water up on the hard at Aqua Yacht Harbor. We had a few minor and planned maintenance items that we wanted to attend to, and this was both a good time and a great spot to get them taken care of. One of the items that we have been looking forward to was getting the hull buffed out and polished. We had decided along that way that there wasn't much point in trying to keep up with this while traveling, and it really needed the attention. And boy does it shine now! The boat looks practically brand new.

After the buff and polish on the hull...more pics of this sometime later on.

So, our short term plan is to hang around here at Aqua through most of this week, and then make our way to the AGLCA Rendezvous next week at Joe Wheeler. We'll be showing the boat for sale during the "Looper Crawls" and with luck, we'll find some folks who might have an interest in this wonderful tug that has been home for us for the last 2 1/2 years.

This shot taken just where we crossed our wake. On a map, it's the point where Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama join. Even the pups were smiling (that's our story anyway)!

We'll plan to post a summary with some "final" thoughts sometime in the next week...and will include some facts and figures about the entire trip. So, stay tuned...we'll check in again...

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Green Turtle Bay to Paris Landing to Pebble Isle to Clifton

Day #729; Loop Miles to Date = 9,369

Just a quick update...not even any pictures to share. We've been making great progress, and our target of being at Aqua Yacht Harbor tomorrow (Sunday the 8th) is still on track. Green Turtle Bay was fine, but frankly, given the amount of press that this place gets, we were a bit disappointed. The dock complex itself is a bit worn out, and the service staff there was quite indifferent to whether they helped anyone out or not. However, it was a hotbed of Loopers, as everyone is funneling through the same geography right now. We didn't take a count, but there were probably 20 loop boats there.

Paris Landing is a Tennessee State Park facility, and the folks there were great. The facility reminded us some of Joe Wheeler State Park, particularly the Inn and restaurant. When we decided to eat at the restaurant, the Park Ranger came and picked us up, and returned us to the marina after dinner. The $10 all you can eat buffet left us quite stuffed...we enjoyed ourselves for sure.

Pebble Isle was a superb stop...we had a great time here. This marina is family owned and operated, and the folks here treated us like good friends. It was just a terrific place to stay...we could easily have stayed longer. The people were great, they had 2 courtesy vans, the docks were great...the only thing missing was that we were in the middle of nowhere and we had no cell coverage and marginal WiFi. Still, this will be remembered as a favorite spot.

One of the highlights this week sort of encapsulates what this journey has been all about. On the way to Paris Landing, we passed a sailboat that had a familiar name. But, we discounted that it was someone that we knew, because it had been practically 2 years since we had last met these folks. But, to our pleasant surprise, later that afternoon, we saw that it was James and Stacy on Glass Slipper! We had met these great folks almost 2 years ago in Mobile, and then as chance would have it, we spent Thanksgiving with them in Port St Joe, and then Christmas with them at Clearwater Beach in 2015. It was terrific to see them and catch up...and it once again demonstrated how small this cruising community is sometimes. This was a real treat!

So today, we are in transit to Clifton, TN, and only one day away form our anticipated wake crossing. We are keeping an eye on Hurricane Nate, but anticipate that we will not be dramatically affected. The skies are cloudy today, and we expect some rain over the next 2 days, but nothing is forecasted for our area that is anything to worry excessively about. It's hard to believe, but sometime tomorrow afternoon (Sunday) we will close the loop and cross our wake on the way into Aqua Yacht Harbor. Celebrations will spite of any rain!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Alton to Hoppies to Little River Diversion Channel to Lock 53 to Paducah, KY to Green Turtle Bay

Day #725; Loop Miles to Date = 9,231

Since our last post, we've managed to dispense with the Mississippi and Ohio River sections of the loop...over 275 miles of very commercial travel that are some of the most dreaded miles on the loop. There are very few places to stop (particularly if you have dogs) 100's of large tows to deal with, substantial current, and a couple of locks that are notoriously slow and jammed with commercial traffic. Many loopers have waited 6-8 hours to pass just one of these locks, which makes planning your day very challenging. Add to this the extremely low water levels, and it makes for a difficult week of travel.

All in all, we were about as lucky as one can get coming through this stretch. We extended our travel days a couple of times (one day traveling 110 miles which is tough for us) but were always able to time the need for walking the pups with a spot that allowed us to do so. It was remarkable really. Sure, we found ourselves on some rocky/muddy banks, and a couple of crumbly, narrow walls, but it all worked out fine. And most unusually, we found our wait times very manageable through this entire stretch. We were also terrifically lucky on numerous occasions. We passed through the Ohio-Mississippi junction just as they were closing it to commercial traffic (which reduced the traffic for us) and then found ourselves leaving lock 53 just prior to it shutting down for an indeterminate period of time. We really were very fortunate.

So now we find ourselves at Green Turtle Bay in Grand Rivers, KY. We now have visited Missouri and Kentucky, bringing the total number of states to 17. It is an amazing experience...
Some interesting graffiti in the St Louis area.

Now this is some clever yard art!

Sandrobber in front of the arch, courtesy of Act III.
View of the Mississippi from Hoppies

The infamous dock at Hoppies...just a couple of commercial barges lashed together...a very welcome sight though in this part of the river.

And of course Fern, the octogenarian matriarch of the Upper Mississippi. She still gives a daily briefing to all travelers, giving them insight into the current river conditions downstream, and trying to help with safe anchorages in times like these when there is extreme low water. She is an amazing icon.

Leaving Hoppies with a caravan...
And with a beautiful mist on the water...a long day, but gorgeous.
Traffic sign entering the Chain of Rocks Canal...big problem if you miss this one.

It was difficult to capture the scope of this view...this is the array of barges parked in the waterway at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. There were hundreds and hundreds of times it was difficult to see the path forward if not for your charts. This went on for miles.

A couple of shots of the new Olmstead Lock and Dam. This is an enormous project to build a new lock and dam to replace the old Lock 52 and Lock 53. We were very lucky to transit this entire string of locks with only about 3 hours total of wait times. Many loopers are stuck here for much more time than this.

This travel lift (crane) is rated for 5304 tons! Amazing.

Our spot on the old lock wall above Lock 53...we were able to spend the night here.

The brand spanking new city dock at Paducah, KY. This is a wonderful location for loopers. Even though we only spent one night here, this town could easily hold your attention for a couple of nights.
So now we find ourselves relaxing for a day at Green Turtle Bay. It is hard to imagine that our journey is winding down. We plan to be crossing our wake in about a week, and will savor the next few days of travel. As everyone says at this juncture, it is a bittersweet time. The good news is that it should be "easy" travel compared to much of what we have been through. It'll be nice to kick back and just enjoy the ride!

Some sunrise shots we managed at Alton...we're gonna miss these...