Thursday, March 17, 2016

Marathon to Tarpon Basin to Miami to Fort Lauderdale

OK...we've been on the move, but lax at updating our's been a bit busy. Here are the cliff notes:
  • We left Marathon on Monday and traveled about 50 miles to an anchorage at Tarpon Basin near Key Largo. A nice protected anchorage, with a dinghy dock at the police station/county building where we could walk the dogs easily. It worked out great.
  • On Tuesday, we made tracks for Miami...Coconut Grove actually and the Coral Reef Yacht Club. It was about another 45 miles. Jenny was in town for a Lightning Regatta, and we were able to work it out so we could get together. It was terrific! We got there before Tuesday's races were over, and then were able to spend the evening together. It was wonderful to catch up and chat, and we are so glad that Jenny reached out to let us know she was in our path! And when we left, her team was in 1st place...we haven't heard the final outcome, but fingers crossed.
  • On Wednesday morning we headed out of the Port of Miami into the Atlantic Ocean, and traveled a total of about 35 miles to Fort Lauderdale. We decided to go on the outside instead of the ICW to avoid all of the bridges and traffic. The weather was great, the water not rough, but not flat. We were able to put the pedal down and traveled much of the way at 13.5 mph...which for us is lightning fast! Both of the ports, in Miami and Ft L were really messy...just tons of all kinds of boat traffic and wakes.
We now are back at the Ft Lauderdale City Docks on the New Cooley's Landing actually. And, we've decided to stay here for a few days. The boat yard in Stuart wasn't planning to be ready for us until after the weekend, so we decided not to rush up there just yet. So, we will camp out here, likely through the weekend. This part of the ICW is just really, really busy with boat traffic on the weekends, so we think we'll stay put and wait for Monday to move once again. And, one of our pups is a bit under the weather...we're thinking that it might just be some heat related issues...they got a little too hot yesterday. So, we are also better off sitting here at the dock than moving for her sake. And besides that...we like it here!

Pictures of the last few days to follow sometime later...we're assembling them...we had some serious dolphin interaction on the way up here, and we are editing some of the photos to get the best ones ready for the blog. So, no pictures right now...coming soon.

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