Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Onancock, VA to Kilmarnock (Chesapeake Boat Basin) to Deltaville, VA

Day #341; Loop Miles to Date = 4,224

Confession for the day...we have no pictures to share...another streak of not taking pictures, coupled with marginal wifi connections. So, we'll just give you a brief update...

Last Monday, we left Onancock and traveled to Chesapeake Boat Basin in Kilmarnock, VA. We stayed an extra day in Onancock...the bay was a bit too rough for our liking, so we camped out and waited for better weather. We enjoyed our visit in Onancock...finding a small festival, some so-so live music to enjoy, a few interesting shops, and a couple of decent restaurants. Plus we enjoyed some local color while attending a Sally Fields movie at the local one-screen movie theater. We were there with just about everyone who lives in Onancock who was 65 and older! It's definitely a small town...everyone there knew everyone else.

We had to cross the bay to get to Kilmarnock, and even though we waited an extra day for calmer conditions, we didn't really get them. We found ourselves with a 3-4 foot following sea, with some left over rollers on our beam...not the most comfortable couple of hours, but no issues really. Chesapeake Boat Basin was a nice stop (thanks to Sonny and Phyllis for the recommendation). We had an awesome burger at the local burger joint, enjoyed some good ice cream, found a Wal-Mart for some supplies, and generally had a relaxing couple of days.

Then on Wednesday, we drove all the way to Deltaville, VA (actually only 15 miles) and we are now camped out at Doziers Regatta Point Marina. We'll be here for a week, and it looks like a good choice...other than slow wifi. We are going to have the boat pulled out of the water on Friday for a quick clean and look-see at the bottom. We don't expect any issues, but it's time to take a peek at it, and get the algae and other crud power washed off.

So, that's the quick update...we'll try to have some interesting pictures next time.

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