Saturday, October 8, 2016

Update from Norfolk

Day # 365; Loop Miles to Date = 4,291

Just a quick update as we await some rain and moderate winds from Hurricane Matthew. We count ourselves as very fortunate to have stayed far enough north to avoid any really serious weather. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who are experiencing the brunt of this very large storm.

We are still at Waterside Marina in Norfolk, and expect to see some heavy rains hit later today (Saturday) with moderate winds (30-35mph) overnight. We're very secure where we are, and have taken every precaution in the event that the winds or storm surge are higher than predicted. We are not taking anything for granted, but all indications are that we will have a fairly easy time of it. One of the biggest challenges that we will face in the coming weeks is figuring out where we will go next. As this storm wreaks havoc on towns and marinas that we planned to visit, it will take some time to sort out where we and all of the other cruisers will be able to go. Needless to say, there will be a log jam along the southern east coast as clean-up and recovery ensues...time will tell.

Of marks the one-year anniversary of our Great Loop Trip! It was exactly a year  ago today that we left Island Cove Marina in Chattanooga to begin this journey. And now, over 4,000 miles later, we are happy, healthy, and still loving life! It is hard to believe that we have been living aboard for almost a year and a half...and we are excited that we still have many adventures and new experiences ahead.

All for now...we really just wanted to report that all is well aboard Sandrobber. Thanks for reading...we'll check back in soon.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary. We'll be back on The Pearl in early spring. I hope we have a chance to run into y'all. We have the boat stored at Olversons off the Potomac.
