Monday, January 2, 2017

Sisters Creek to Ortega River Marina

Day #451; Loop Miles to Date = 5,184

We've been sitting still for the past few weeks since arriving at Ortega River Marina in the Jacksonville area, and we owe everyone a quick update. For starters we hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and are enjoying the onset of the New Year! It's been rather quiet for us...a nice bit of a break after the previous few weeks of very busy travel. We had a great Christmas Day with Sandy's brothers family. Ray and Donna live only about a 1/2 hour from where we are parked, and they put on a tremendous spread for was wonderful to have a traditional Christmas dinner, and we had a great time catching up with them. Thanks to you both for was terrific!

For New Years, we had a quiet dinner out at the local hot spot...the Metro Diner! It's just a good old fashioned diner, and only a short walk from the boat. The only excitement that we really had was trying to convince Lola that it was safe to go out after dark to take a walk. The noise from all of the fireworks in the area made it sound a bit like a war zone around here, and Lola doesn't do well with loud noises to start with. For us...the 4th of July and New Year's Eve are difficult days for the pups. However...we all survived and have been enjoying the nice 70+ degree weather.

Sandy has been busy, as she already has taken 2 trips to Atlanta since we've been here. She was able to squeeze in some dental work before the end of the year, and also took Lola on one of the trips to see our home vet for a check-up. It makes for some long days as it is a 6-7 hour trip each way depending on Atlanta traffic. And as we are going to be here for another couple of weeks, one or both of us will likely end up making this trip another time yet. But...this is what we had planned to do, so it is nice to get some things checked off the list.

A few pics to share...

A large Navy ship that we encountered coming through the Port of Jacksonville.

We've had a couple of very foggy mornings here...and we've been glad that we didn't have a plan to travel. A couple of days it was after 10am before it burned off.

One of us got a haircut today...long overdue too!

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