Sunday, April 24, 2016

Brunswick Landing Marina to Duplin River Anchorage

Day #198; Great Loop Miles to Date = 2,376

Ok...we are kinda in the middle of nowhere right now, but enjoying a beautiful anchorage. We are adjacent to Sapelo Island on the coast of southern Georgia. (For more info on this unique island click here.) There is a ferry dock right where we are anchored, so we can shuttle the pups to shore as needed. It is really peaceful and quiet...a bit of current as the tides change, but nothing that isn't manageable.

We had a really nice cruise day once travelling with quite a pack as it turned out. We left the dock a little before 8am, and by the time it was all said and done, we ended up with a small fleet of boats all headed north...6 in all. We had some current, tides and shallow areas to deal with, but nothing that was ever an issue. Tomorrow, we will be leaving shortly after dawn in order to time our travel further north with the tides and more shallow areas.

We'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story...

On Saturday, we took a look around Brunswick...this is the "old" City Hall. A grand structure in a beautiful setting.

In front of the City Hall was this small memorial to fallen soldiers from all of the wars since WWI.
What we found most interesting was that this recent addition to the memorial is the first of its kind that we personally had seen. We are accustomed to seeing memorials to all of the past wars and conflicts, but this was a first for us. Kind of grim...
The town is very proud of this heritage...the plaque explains the replica that is shown in the next 2 photos...

Part of our convoy today...we were joined by another tug like ours called Mascot right behind us. And behind them are our friends on California Lady and Corkscrew.

Moni Jean was in front of us...

And leading the pack was Act lll. This is a good example of the changing terrain that we have seen the past few days. Lots of lowland salt marshes, and the waterway meanders around. We find it very serene and pastoral.

A panoramic shot of our anchorage.

Our sunset tonight...'til next time...

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