Sunday, November 13, 2016

Hampton to Top Rack (Chesapeake, VA) to Coinjock, NC

Day #401; Loop Miles to Date = 4,370

Well...we finally left Hampton! After about a month there, it was definitely time for us to move on. The weather is getting colder, the leaves starting to change, and we need a dose of warm!

We departed Hampton on Saturday, with only about 25 miles to go to get to Top Rack. On the way down, we passed by the Navy shipyards again, and as well, Waterside Marina...our home for where we weathered Hurricane Matthew.

This particular set of cranes is larger than you can reminded us of something that came out of a Star Wars movie.

A shot of Waterside Marina from the waterway...we didn't stop to say hello this time...

It was a gorgeous day on the wind, bright skies, and enough commercial traffic to keep us entertained...tugs and container ships and barges, and more. The highlight of our short time at Top Rack was a delightful meal at the restaurant there, joined by our friends Bill and Ardis, along with our buddies on Corkscrew. This morning we had a bit of a surprise when we got up...something that we hadn't seen in ages...frost!

Frost on the dock lines!
So...southward we go...and today we covered another 40 or so miles to get to Coinjock, NC. Again it was a beautiful really couldn't have been much prettier. A lock and a few bridges to contend with, but very little traffic overall. For now we are tucked in tight here, with plans to head for Manteo, NC tomorrow morning. We hope that the wind will cooperate, as we have the Albemarle Sound to deal with, and we are hoping that conditions will let us get to Manteo so we can spend a few days on the Outer Banks.

All for now...and now that we are moving again, the blog will hopefully get a bit more attention...'til next time...

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