Day #415; Loop Miles to Date = 4,648
We really enjoyed our time in New Bern, and would definitely recommend this side trip to all. There were many good restaurants, lots of nice shops, a great marina, easy dog walking, etc. And it snowed! Well...sort of...we managed to be there when they had a downtown Christmas parade, tree lighting, and Santa visit. They had a couple of snow machines running in the square where the Christmas Village was located, and there were scads of families and tons of kids. It was a bunch of fun!
This pharmacy in New Bern is the birthplace of Pepsi...we stopped in just to have a token Diet Pepsi...although we really don't care for it...we're Coke lovers actually. |
The Christmas Village during the day... |
A minion in the parade...can't remember if this is Doug or Bob?? |
The village at night...packed with families! |
As much as we enjoyed New Bern, it was time to keep heading south. Our travel day wasn't very pretty...early fog turned into drizzle, and it stayed wet and gray for the whole day. But it was uneventful, and we arrived in Beaufort, NC (pronounced BO-fort) in time to see the town for the afternoon. It was a touristy small downtown area, and frankly, we were glad that we hadn't planned to spend more than just one night here...there just wasn't that much to hold our interest. But a nice stop none the less.
Our friends on Corkscrew on this gray, drizzly day. |
Our next real stop is Southport, NC, but it was too far to go in one day, so we are camped out in a small marina just off the ICW in Sneads Ferry, NC. It isn't much of a marina (kind of a dump actually) but a safe, secure spot for the night. We'll be off early in the morning, with a rather long travel day tomorrow, but we should arrive in Southport by mid-afternoon.
This doesn't look too great for the owner of this boat...we're guessing that this is leftover damage from Hurricane Matthew. |
Our friends on Corkscrew again...obviously a much nicer travel day! |
All for now...further south we go...
Thanks for your continued posts! I'm looking forward to exploring New Bern next year at the AGLCA Rendezvous.