Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hales Bar to Goose Pond Marina...TN to AL

We had a really lazy morning getting out of Hales Bar, but knew that we weren't really in any rush. Our goal was to simply get to Goose Pond Marina in Scottsboro, AL by 5pm or so...and it was about 53 miles. We finally got off the dock at about 11am and ran into a swarm of bees! Well, not really. There was a "regatta" of some sort that was a gathering of really small boats with really big engines. Think that were 10-12 feet long with huge outboard engines. Just a guess...but they had to be going 60 or 70mph. And they did indeed sound like a bunch of bees swarming all over the water. They weren't in our way at all...merely some amusement as we made our way to Nickajack lock. (We were too slow on the draw to get any decent pics.)

The Lock today was totally devoid of any drama...they were ready for us when we arrived, and we had this huge 600 ft lock to ourselves - only about a 35 foot drop. Very nice.

A few photos from our trip down the river...very pleasant and very little traffic.


We've decided to stay an extra day here at Goose Pond Marina, as it is very peaceful and has everything we need for now. Sandy is going to snag the courtesy car in the afternoon and run to town for a few things and to explore Scottsboro for a bit. For sure, the one and only Unclaimed Baggage Store is on her list. We think it is more of an overgrown Goodwill store, but an oddity none the less...and it helps out charitable organizations, so worth the trip.

There are a couple of other Looper boats here as well. One boat has already completed their loop and is on their way to Florida to move into their new house. Another couple is on to the Rendezvous like we are, and also from Atlanta...small world. We'll probably check out the on-site restaurant tonight...The Docks. There is also a pretty decent sized bass tournament here this weekend - the parking lot is full - as in 100's of pick-up trucks with trailers. This is a common occurrence "around these parts".


And here are a few shots of Goose Pond marina...

(Yes Billy, that's a golf course.)

Observant readers might want to know what that black bag strapped to the top deck is. It is our new bike! We went ahead and snagged a folding bike so that we had some means of transportation here and there when needed. We'll unveil for you in a later blog.

All for now...looks like 5 or 6 days of gorgeous weather ahead!


  1. Miss you guys already @ Island Cove! So glad you're enjoying yourselves; Sounds like all that hard work and planning is paying off. Stay safe and have a blast!!! Heidi & John

    1. Thanks Heidi! We wish you were traveling with us and hope that before too long that can happen. Down to 46 here tonight at Wheeler...imagine you are getting much the same. Hi to John and Roxie.
