Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Joe Wheeler to Florence Harbor Marina

This past week is rather a blur. The Rendezvous was great, with a wealth of information made available to us by those who have traveled this path before. It was really a unique experience when you step back and consider how far some who were there have traveled. There were approximately 60 boats there, and a total of about 235 people who either have already completed the Loop, are in progress, or are in the thinking about and planning stages. And here are some interesting stats which others have shared many times, but still it is very intriguing to consider (these are approximate)...every year:
  • 35,000 people run the Boston Marathon
  • 25,000 climb Mt Kilimanjaro
  • 3,000 hike the entire Appalachian Trail
  • 650 climb Mt Everest
  • 200 swim the English Channel
  • and 150 complete the Great Loop
Needless to say, we learned a lot, and met a slew of other boaters. We don't know where or when, but we will meet many of these great folks down the way at some point. We are buried with information, but it is all great. And to top it all off, Sandy won us 2 nights of free lodging at a Marina in the Clearwater area!

This morning (Monday) we left Joe Wheeler Park, and were rather glad that we stayed the extra day. There was a large contingent of boats leaving yesterday, and one large group all left early together (14 boats all at once) traveling through the first 2 locks and 20 miles as a pack.

A little early morning fog at Joe Wheeler Park

The 14 boat flotilla that left early on Sunday morning. Our new friend and dock neighbor John was leading the way. He and his wife Sandy (from MO) were great and we hope to see them sometime on the water!

There were 2 other AT-34's at the Rendezvous (Blue Haven and Tuscobia) and they left at the same time also on Sunday. We are hoping that we can do some traveling with both of them soon. They were both headed back up river to Chattanooga, so it will be later on before we cross paths.
We on the other hand, left quietly on Monday with California Lady, who we met when we pulled into Goose Pond Marina a week and a half ago. We waited for about a half hour at Wheeler lock, even though we had called ahead before leaving the marina being told that they'd be waiting on us...oh well. And then when we were 4 miles from Wilson lock, we learned that they had just shut down for maintenance for the afternoon. We had expected to lock through at about noon, but it was 4:30 before we were allowed to. First Snow, and Sea Jamm joined us on the lock wall waiting our turn. It was a beautiful afternoon, and all things considered, it wasn't really all that bad of a wait. The phrase "Hurry up and wait" was sort of the theme of the day, but at 9 miles per hour, it hardly applies!

A look back at California Lady after we exited Wheeler Lock

We finally got into Wilson Lock...the 4th largest lock in the US. It dropped us 94 feet. This is our group at the top of the lock just before they start drawing the water out to lock us down.

This is about half-way down...

And this is as the doors are opening to let us out. It is hard to get the proper perspective on just how large this lock really is. Look at this picture again, keeping in mind that the 2 boats on the right are 50 foot boats, and the one directly in front of us is a 60 footer. And they are all at least 15 feet wide and 25 feet tall.
And finally, a look back at the lock wall behind us that is holding all of those millions of gallons of water back. There is a 94 foot high body of water just past those doors!

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